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Characters - Class in software.kes.kraftwerk.domain
A collection of useful domains of characters.
charAggregator() - Static method in class software.kes.kraftwerk.aggregator.Aggregators
Creates an Aggregator for Strings by concatenating Characters.
charAggregator(int) - Static method in class software.kes.kraftwerk.aggregator.Aggregators
Creates an Aggregator for Strings by concatenating Characters.
charBias(CharRange) - Method in interface software.kes.kraftwerk.bias.BiasSettings
charBias(CharRange) - Method in class software.kes.kraftwerk.bias.DefaultPropertyTestingBiasSettings
charBias(CharRange) - Method in class software.kes.kraftwerk.bias.EmptyBiasSettings
CharRange - Class in software.kes.kraftwerk.constraints
A range of chars.
CharRange.CharRangeFrom - Interface in software.kes.kraftwerk.constraints
A partially constructed CharRange, with the lower bound already provided.
checkBound(long) - Static method in class software.kes.kraftwerk.core.BuildingBlocks
checkCount(int) - Static method in class software.kes.kraftwerk.core.BuildingBlocks
checkMinMax(long, long) - Static method in class software.kes.kraftwerk.core.BuildingBlocks
checkOriginBound(long, long) - Static method in class software.kes.kraftwerk.core.BuildingBlocks
choiceBuilder(Generator<? extends A>) - Static method in class software.kes.kraftwerk.choice.ChoiceBuilder1
Creates a ChoiceBuilder1.
choiceBuilder(Generator<? extends A>) - Static method in class software.kes.kraftwerk.Generators
Creates a ChoiceBuilder1.
choiceBuilder(Weighted<? extends Generator<? extends A>>) - Static method in class software.kes.kraftwerk.choice.ChoiceBuilder1
Creates a ChoiceBuilder1.
choiceBuilder(Weighted<? extends Generator<? extends A>>) - Static method in class software.kes.kraftwerk.Generators
Creates a ChoiceBuilder1.
ChoiceBuilder1<A> - Class in software.kes.kraftwerk.choice
A builder to facilitate the construction of Generators that yield ChoiceN values.
ChoiceBuilder2<A,​B> - Class in software.kes.kraftwerk.choice
A builder to facilitate the construction of Generators that yield Choice2 values.
ChoiceBuilder3<A,​B,​C> - Class in software.kes.kraftwerk.choice
A builder to facilitate the construction of Generators that yield Choice3 values.
ChoiceBuilder4<A,​B,​C,​D> - Class in software.kes.kraftwerk.choice
A builder to facilitate the construction of Generators that yield Choice4 values.
ChoiceBuilder5<A,​B,​C,​D,​E> - Class in software.kes.kraftwerk.choice
A builder to facilitate the construction of Generators that yield Choice5 values.
ChoiceBuilder5(FrequencyMap<Choice5<A, B, C, D, E>>) - Constructor for class software.kes.kraftwerk.choice.ChoiceBuilder5
ChoiceBuilder6<A,​B,​C,​D,​E,​F> - Class in software.kes.kraftwerk.choice
A builder to facilitate the construction of Generators that yield Choice6 values.
ChoiceBuilder7<A,​B,​C,​D,​E,​F,​G> - Class in software.kes.kraftwerk.choice
A builder to facilitate the construction of Generators that yield Choice7 values.
ChoiceBuilder8<A,​B,​C,​D,​E,​F,​G,​H> - Class in software.kes.kraftwerk.choice
A builder to facilitate the construction of Generators that yield Choice8 values.
choiceBuilderValue(A) - Static method in class software.kes.kraftwerk.choice.ChoiceBuilder1
Creates a ChoiceBuilder1.
choiceBuilderValue(A) - Static method in class software.kes.kraftwerk.Generators
Creates a ChoiceBuilder1.
choiceBuilderValue(Weighted<? extends A>) - Static method in class software.kes.kraftwerk.choice.ChoiceBuilder1
Creates a ChoiceBuilder1.
choiceBuilderValue(Weighted<? extends A>) - Static method in class software.kes.kraftwerk.Generators
Creates a ChoiceBuilder1.
chooseAtLeastOneOf(Generator<? extends A>, Generator<? extends A>...) - Static method in class software.kes.kraftwerk.Generators
Creates a Generator that, when invoked, chooses one or more of the supplied candidate Generators.
chooseAtLeastOneOfValues(A, A...) - Static method in class software.kes.kraftwerk.Generators
Creates a Generator that, when invoked, chooses one or more of the supplied candidate values, and returns a collection of all those chosen.
chooseAtLeastOneValueFromCollection(Collection<A>) - Static method in class software.kes.kraftwerk.Generators
Creates a Generator that, when invoked, chooses one or more values from a collection and returns a collection of the values chosen.
chooseAtLeastOneValueFromDomain(NonEmptyVector<A>) - Static method in class software.kes.kraftwerk.Generators
Creates a Generator that, when invoked, chooses one or more values from a custom domain and returns a collection of the values chosen.
chooseEntryFromMap(Map<K, V>) - Static method in class software.kes.kraftwerk.Generators
Creates a Generator that, when invoked, chooses a Map.Entry from a Map.
chooseKeyFromMap(Map<K, V>) - Static method in class software.kes.kraftwerk.Generators
Creates a Generator that, when invoked, chooses a key from a Map.
chooseOneFromCollection(Iterable<Generator<? extends A>>) - Static method in class software.kes.kraftwerk.Generators
Creates a Generator that, when invoked, chooses a Generator from a collection of candidate Generators (with an equal probability for each).
chooseOneFromCollectionWeighted(Iterable<Weighted<? extends Generator<? extends A>>>) - Static method in class software.kes.kraftwerk.Generators
Creates a Generator that, when invoked, chooses a Generator from a collection of candidate Generators (with a custom probability for each).
chooseOneOf(Generator<? extends A>, Generator<? extends A>...) - Static method in class software.kes.kraftwerk.Generators
Creates a Generator that, when invoked, randomly selects from a list of candidate Generators, (with equal probabilities for each).
chooseOneOfValues(A, A...) - Static method in class software.kes.kraftwerk.Generators
Creates a Generator that, when invoked, randomly chooses an item from one or more candidate values, with an equal probability for each.
chooseOneOfWeighted(Weighted<? extends Generator<? extends A>>, Weighted<? extends Generator<? extends A>>...) - Static method in class software.kes.kraftwerk.Generators
Creates a Generator that, when invoked, randomly selects from a list of candidate Generators, (with custom probabilities for each).
chooseOneOfWeightedValues(Weighted<? extends A>, Weighted<? extends A>...) - Static method in class software.kes.kraftwerk.Generators
Creates a Generator that, when invoked, randomly chooses and item from one or more candidate values, with custom probabilities for each.
chooseOneValueFromCollection(Iterable<A>) - Static method in class software.kes.kraftwerk.Generators
Creates a Generator that, when invoked, chooses a value from a collection, with an equal probability for each element.
chooseOneValueFromDomain(NonEmptyVector<A>) - Static method in class software.kes.kraftwerk.Generators
Creates a Generator that, when invoked, chooses a value from a custom domain.
chooseSomeOf(Generator<? extends A>, Generator<? extends A>...) - Static method in class software.kes.kraftwerk.Generators
Creates a Generator that, when invoked, chooses zero or more of the supplied candidate Generators.
chooseSomeOfValues(A, A...) - Static method in class software.kes.kraftwerk.Generators
Creates a Generator that, when invoked, chooses zero or more of the supplied candidate values, and returns a collection of all those chosen.
chooseSomeValuesFromCollection(Collection<A>) - Static method in class software.kes.kraftwerk.Generators
Creates a Generator that, when invoked, chooses zero or more values from a collection and returns a collection of the values chosen.
chooseSomeValuesFromDomain(NonEmptyVector<A>) - Static method in class software.kes.kraftwerk.Generators
Creates a Generator that, when invoked, chooses zero or more values from a custom domain and returns a collection of the values chosen.
chooseValueFromMap(Map<K, V>) - Static method in class software.kes.kraftwerk.Generators
Creates a Generator that, when invoked, chooses a value from a Map.
cogenerator(Fn1<A, Long>) - Static method in class software.kes.kraftwerk.Cogenerator
Creates a Cogenerator.
cogenerator(Fn2<Seed, A, Seed>) - Static method in class software.kes.kraftwerk.Cogenerator
Creates a Cogenerator.
Cogenerator<A> - Class in software.kes.kraftwerk
A strategy for applying a value to a Seed to create a new Seed.
cogeneratorBoolean() - Static method in class software.kes.kraftwerk.Cogenerator
Creates a Cogenerator for Booleans.
cogeneratorByte() - Static method in class software.kes.kraftwerk.Cogenerator
Creates a Cogenerator for Bytes.
cogeneratorInt() - Static method in class software.kes.kraftwerk.Cogenerator
Creates a Cogenerator for Integers.
cogeneratorLong() - Static method in class software.kes.kraftwerk.Cogenerator
Creates a Cogenerator for Longs.
cogeneratorObject() - Static method in class software.kes.kraftwerk.Cogenerator
Creates a Cogenerator for Objects.
cogeneratorShort() - Static method in class software.kes.kraftwerk.Cogenerator
Creates a Cogenerator for Shorts.
cogeneratorString() - Static method in class software.kes.kraftwerk.Cogenerator
Creates a Cogenerator for Strings.
collectionAggregator(Fn0<C>) - Static method in class software.kes.kraftwerk.aggregator.Aggregators
Creates an Aggregator for any Collection type.
combine(FrequencyMap<A>) - Method in interface software.kes.kraftwerk.frequency.FrequencyMap
Creates a new FrequencyMap that is the combination of this one and another one.
concatMaybeStrings(Iterable<Generator<Maybe<String>>>) - Static method in class software.kes.kraftwerk.Generators
Creates a Generator that yields Strings by invoking a sequence of component Generator<Maybe<String>>s and concatenating the results.
concatMaybeStrings(String, Iterable<Generator<Maybe<String>>>) - Static method in class software.kes.kraftwerk.Generators
Creates a Generator that yields Strings by invoking a sequence of component Generator<Maybe<String>>s and concatenating the results, separating them with a specific separator.
concatMaybeStrings(Generator<String>, Iterable<Generator<Maybe<String>>>) - Static method in class software.kes.kraftwerk.Generators
Creates a Generator that yields Strings by invoking a sequence of component Generator<Maybe<String>>s and concatenating the results, separating them by a separator that is also generated.
concatStrings(Iterable<Generator<String>>) - Static method in class software.kes.kraftwerk.Generators
Creates a Generator that yields Strings by invoking a sequence of component Generator<String>s and concatenating the results.
concatStrings(String, Iterable<Generator<String>>) - Static method in class software.kes.kraftwerk.Generators
Creates a Generator that yields Strings by invoking a sequence of component Generator<String>s and concatenating the results, separating them with a specific separator.
concatStrings(Generator<String>, Iterable<Generator<String>>) - Static method in class software.kes.kraftwerk.Generators
Creates a Generator that yields Strings by invoking a sequence of component Generator<String>s and concatenating the results, separating them by a separator that is also generated.
constant(A) - Static method in class software.kes.kraftwerk.Generators
Creates a Generator that yields the same value whenever invoked.
Constraint<A> - Interface in software.kes.kraftwerk.constraints
A constraint on the possible values of type A.
contraMap(Fn1<? super B, ? extends A>) - Method in class software.kes.kraftwerk.Cogenerator
Converts this Cogenerator to a Cogenerator of a possibly different type by mapping the input through a function.
controlChar() - Static method in class software.kes.kraftwerk.domain.Characters
create(long) - Static method in interface software.kes.kraftwerk.Seed
Instantiates a Seed.
createGenerateFn(GeneratorParameters) - Method in interface software.kes.kraftwerk.Generator
Creates a GenerateFn using the given GeneratorParameters.
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