Interface EnhancedIterable<A>

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Instance Methods Default Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      default NonEmptyIterable<A> append​(A element)
      Lazily appends an element to the end of this EnhancedIterable, yielding a new NonEmptyIterable.
      default EnhancedIterable<A> concat​(java.lang.Iterable<A> other)
      Lazily concatenates another Iterable to the end of this EnhancedIterable, yielding a new EnhancedIterable.
      default NonEmptyIterable<A> concat​(NonEmptyIterable<A> other)
      Lazily concatenates a NonEmptyIterable to the end of this EnhancedIterable, yielding a new NonEmptyIterable.
      static <A> ImmutableFiniteIterable<A> copyFrom​(int maxCount, java.lang.Iterable<A> source)
      Creates an ImmutableFiniteIterable by copying elements from an Iterable.
      static <A> ImmutableFiniteIterable<A> copyFrom​(java.util.Collection<A> source)
      Creates an ImmutableFiniteIterable by copying elements from a Collection.
      static <A> ImmutableFiniteIterable<A> copyFrom​(FiniteIterable<A> source)
      Creates an ImmutableFiniteIterable by copying elements from a FiniteIterable.
      default EnhancedIterable<A> drop​(int count)
      Returns a new EnhancedIterable that drops the first count elements of this EnhancedIterable.
      default EnhancedIterable<A> dropWhile​(com.jnape.palatable.lambda.functions.Fn1<? super A,​? extends java.lang.Boolean> predicate)
      Returns a new EnhancedIterable that skips the first contiguous group of elements of this EnhancedIterable that satisfy a predicate.
      static <A> ImmutableFiniteIterable<A> emptyEnhancedIterable()
      Creates an empty EnhancedIterable.
      static <A> EnhancedIterable<A> enhance​(java.lang.Iterable<A> underlying)
      Wraps an existing Iterable in an EnhancedIterable.
      default EnhancedIterable<A> filter​(com.jnape.palatable.lambda.functions.Fn1<? super A,​? extends java.lang.Boolean> predicate)
      Returns a new EnhancedIterable that contains all elements of this EnhancedIterable that satisfy a predicate.
      default com.jnape.palatable.lambda.adt.Maybe<A> find​(com.jnape.palatable.lambda.functions.Fn1<? super A,​? extends java.lang.Boolean> predicate)
      Finds the first element of this EnhancedIterable that satisfies a predicate, if any.
      default <B> EnhancedIterable<B> fmap​(com.jnape.palatable.lambda.functions.Fn1<? super A,​? extends B> f)
      Returns a new EnhancedIterable by applying a function to all elements of this EnhancedIterable.
      default EnhancedIterable<A> intersperse​(A separator)
      Returns a new EnhancedIterable with the provided separator value injected between each value of this EnhancedIterable.
      default boolean isEmpty()
      Tests whether this EnhancedIterable is empty.
      default EnhancedIterable<? extends NonEmptyIterable<A>> magnetizeBy​(com.jnape.palatable.lambda.functions.Fn2<A,​A,​java.lang.Boolean> predicate)
      Returns an Iterable of contiguous groups of elements in this EnhancedIterable that match a predicate pairwise.
      static <A> ImmutableNonEmptyFiniteIterable<A> of​(A first, A... more)
      Creates an EnhancedIterable containing the given elements.
      default <B,​C>
      com.jnape.palatable.lambda.adt.hlist.Tuple2<? extends EnhancedIterable<B>,​? extends EnhancedIterable<C>>
      partition​(com.jnape.palatable.lambda.functions.Fn1<? super A,​? extends com.jnape.palatable.lambda.adt.coproduct.CoProduct2<B,​C,​?>> function)
      Partitions this EnhancedIterable given a disjoint mapping function.
      default NonEmptyIterable<A> prepend​(A element)
      Lazily prepends an element to the front of this EnhancedIterable, yielding a new NonEmptyIterable.
      default EnhancedIterable<A> prependAll​(A separator)
      Returns a new EnhancedIterable with the provided separator value injected before each value of this EnhancedIterable.
      static <A> ImmutableNonEmptyIterable<A> repeat​(A element)
      Returns an infinite ImmutableNonEmptyIterable that repeatedly iterates a given element.
      default EnhancedIterable<? extends NonEmptyFiniteIterable<A>> slide​(int k)
      "Slides" a window of k elements across the EnhancedIterable by one element at a time.
      default com.jnape.palatable.lambda.adt.hlist.Tuple2<? extends EnhancedIterable<A>,​? extends EnhancedIterable<A>> span​(com.jnape.palatable.lambda.functions.Fn1<? super A,​? extends java.lang.Boolean> predicate)
      Returns a Tuple2 where the first slot is the front contiguous elements of this EnhancedIterable matching a predicate and the second slot is all the remaining elements.
      default ImmutableNonEmptyIterable<? extends EnhancedIterable<A>> tails()
      Returns an ImmutableNonEmptyIterable containing all of the subsequences of tail elements of this EnhancedIterable, ordered by size, starting with the full list.
      default FiniteIterable<A> take​(int count)
      Returns a new FiniteIterable that takes the first count elements of this EnhancedIterable.
      default EnhancedIterable<A> takeWhile​(com.jnape.palatable.lambda.functions.Fn1<? super A,​? extends java.lang.Boolean> predicate)
      Returns a new EnhancedIterable that limits to the first contiguous group of elements of this EnhancedIterable that satisfy a predicate.
      default A[] toArray​(java.lang.Class<A[]> arrayType)
      Writes all the elements of this EnhancedIterable directly into an array of the specified type.
      default <C extends java.util.Collection<A>>
      toCollection​(com.jnape.palatable.lambda.functions.Fn0<C> cSupplier)
      Creates an instance of a Collection of type C, and adds to it all elements in this EnhancedIterable.
      default com.jnape.palatable.lambda.adt.Maybe<? extends FiniteIterable<A>> toFinite()
      Converts this EnhancedIterable to a FiniteIterable if there is enough information to do so without iterating it.
      default com.jnape.palatable.lambda.adt.Maybe<? extends NonEmptyIterable<A>> toNonEmpty()
      Converts this EnhancedIterable to a NonEmptyIterable if it contains one or more elements.
      default <B,​C>
      zipWith​(com.jnape.palatable.lambda.functions.Fn2<A,​B,​C> fn, java.lang.Iterable<B> other)
      Zips together this EnhancedIterable with another Iterable by applying a zipping function.
      default <B,​C>
      zipWith​(com.jnape.palatable.lambda.functions.Fn2<A,​B,​C> fn, java.util.Collection<B> other)
      Zips together this EnhancedIterable with a Collection by applying a zipping function.
      default <B,​C>
      zipWith​(com.jnape.palatable.lambda.functions.Fn2<A,​B,​C> fn, FiniteIterable<B> other)
      Zips together this EnhancedIterable with a FiniteIterable by applying a zipping function.
      • Methods inherited from interface com.jnape.palatable.lambda.functor.Functor

      • Methods inherited from interface java.lang.Iterable

        forEach, iterator, spliterator
    • Method Detail

      • append

        default NonEmptyIterable<A> append​(A element)
        Lazily appends an element to the end of this EnhancedIterable, yielding a new NonEmptyIterable.
        element - the element to append
        a NonEmptyIterable<A>
      • concat

        default EnhancedIterable<A> concat​(java.lang.Iterable<A> other)
        Lazily concatenates another Iterable to the end of this EnhancedIterable, yielding a new EnhancedIterable.
        other - the other Iterable
        an EnhancedIterable<A>
      • concat

        default NonEmptyIterable<A> concat​(NonEmptyIterable<A> other)
        Lazily concatenates a NonEmptyIterable to the end of this EnhancedIterable, yielding a new NonEmptyIterable.
        other - a NonEmptyIterable
        a NonEmptyIterable<A>
      • drop

        default EnhancedIterable<A> drop​(int count)
        Returns a new EnhancedIterable that drops the first count elements of this EnhancedIterable.
        count - the number of elements to drop from this EnhancedIterable. Must be >= 0. May exceed size of this EnhancedIterable, in which case, the result will be an empty EnhancedIterable.
        an EnhancedIterable<A>
      • dropWhile

        default EnhancedIterable<A> dropWhile​(com.jnape.palatable.lambda.functions.Fn1<? super A,​? extends java.lang.Boolean> predicate)
        Returns a new EnhancedIterable that skips the first contiguous group of elements of this EnhancedIterable that satisfy a predicate.

        Iteration begins at the first element for which the predicate evaluates to false.

        predicate - a predicate; should be referentially transparent and not have side-effects
        an EnhancedIterable<A>
      • filter

        default EnhancedIterable<A> filter​(com.jnape.palatable.lambda.functions.Fn1<? super A,​? extends java.lang.Boolean> predicate)
        Returns a new EnhancedIterable that contains all elements of this EnhancedIterable that satisfy a predicate.
        predicate - a predicate; should be referentially transparent and not have side-effects
        an EnhancedIterable<A>
      • find

        default com.jnape.palatable.lambda.adt.Maybe<A> find​(com.jnape.palatable.lambda.functions.Fn1<? super A,​? extends java.lang.Boolean> predicate)
        Finds the first element of this EnhancedIterable that satisfies a predicate, if any.
        predicate - a predicate; not null
        an element wrapped in a Maybe.just(A) if a matching element is found; Maybe.nothing() otherwise.
      • fmap

        default <B> EnhancedIterable<B> fmap​(com.jnape.palatable.lambda.functions.Fn1<? super A,​? extends B> f)
        Returns a new EnhancedIterable by applying a function to all elements of this EnhancedIterable.
        Specified by:
        fmap in interface com.jnape.palatable.lambda.functor.Functor<A,​EnhancedIterable<?>>
        Type Parameters:
        B - the type returned by f
        f - a function from A to B. This function should be referentially transparent and not perform side-effects. It may be called zero or more times for each element.
        an EnhancedIterable<B>
      • intersperse

        default EnhancedIterable<A> intersperse​(A separator)
        Returns a new EnhancedIterable with the provided separator value injected between each value of this EnhancedIterable.

        If this EnhancedIterable contains fewer than two elements, it is left untouched.

        separator - the separator value
        an EnhancedIterable<A>
      • isEmpty

        default boolean isEmpty()
        Tests whether this EnhancedIterable is empty.
        true if this EnhancedIterable contains no elements, false otherwise
      • magnetizeBy

        default EnhancedIterable<? extends NonEmptyIterable<A>> magnetizeBy​(com.jnape.palatable.lambda.functions.Fn2<A,​A,​java.lang.Boolean> predicate)
        Returns an Iterable of contiguous groups of elements in this EnhancedIterable that match a predicate pairwise.
        predicate - the predicate function. This function should be referentially transparent and not perform side-effects. It may be called zero or more times for each element.
        an EnhancedIterable<NonEmptyIterable<A>> containing the contiguous groups
      • partition

        default <B,​C> com.jnape.palatable.lambda.adt.hlist.Tuple2<? extends EnhancedIterable<B>,​? extends EnhancedIterable<C>> partition​(com.jnape.palatable.lambda.functions.Fn1<? super A,​? extends com.jnape.palatable.lambda.adt.coproduct.CoProduct2<B,​C,​?>> function)
        Partitions this EnhancedIterable given a disjoint mapping function.

        Note that while the returned tuple must be constructed eagerly, the left and right iterables contained therein are both lazy, so comprehension over infinite iterables is supported.

        Type Parameters:
        B - the output left Iterable element type, as well as the CoProduct2 A type
        C - the output right Iterable element type, as well as the CoProduct2 B type
        function - the mapping function
        a Tuple2<EnhancedIterable&lt;B&gt;, EnhancedIterable&lt;C&gt;>
      • prepend

        default NonEmptyIterable<A> prepend​(A element)
        Lazily prepends an element to the front of this EnhancedIterable, yielding a new NonEmptyIterable.
        element - the element to prepend
        a NonEmptyIterable<A>
      • prependAll

        default EnhancedIterable<A> prependAll​(A separator)
        Returns a new EnhancedIterable with the provided separator value injected before each value of this EnhancedIterable.

        If this EnhancedIterable is empty, it is left untouched.

        separator - the separator value
        an EnhancedIterable<A>
      • slide

        default EnhancedIterable<? extends NonEmptyFiniteIterable<A>> slide​(int k)
        "Slides" a window of k elements across the EnhancedIterable by one element at a time.

        Example: EnhancedIterable.of(1, 2, 3, 4, 5).slide(2); // [[1, 2], [2, 3], [3, 4], [4, 5]]

        k - the number of elements in the sliding window. Must be >= 1.
        an EnhancedIterable<NonEmptyFiniteIterable<A>>
      • span

        default com.jnape.palatable.lambda.adt.hlist.Tuple2<? extends EnhancedIterable<A>,​? extends EnhancedIterable<A>> span​(com.jnape.palatable.lambda.functions.Fn1<? super A,​? extends java.lang.Boolean> predicate)
        Returns a Tuple2 where the first slot is the front contiguous elements of this EnhancedIterable matching a predicate and the second slot is all the remaining elements.
        predicate - a predicate; should be referentially transparent and not have side-effects
        a Tuple2<EnhancedIterable&lt;B&gt;, EnhancedIterable&lt;C&gt;>
      • tails

        default ImmutableNonEmptyIterable<? extends EnhancedIterable<A>> tails()
        Returns an ImmutableNonEmptyIterable containing all of the subsequences of tail elements of this EnhancedIterable, ordered by size, starting with the full list. Example: EnhancedIterable.of(1, 2, 3).tails(); // [[1, 2, 3], [2, 3], [3], []]
        an ImmutableNonEmptyIterable<EnhancedIterable<A>>
      • take

        default FiniteIterable<A> take​(int count)
        Returns a new FiniteIterable that takes the first count elements of this EnhancedIterable.
        count - the number of elements to take from this EnhancedIterable. Must be >= 0. May exceed size of this EnhancedIterable, in which case, the result will contain as many elements available.
        a FiniteIterable<A>
      • takeWhile

        default EnhancedIterable<A> takeWhile​(com.jnape.palatable.lambda.functions.Fn1<? super A,​? extends java.lang.Boolean> predicate)
        Returns a new EnhancedIterable that limits to the first contiguous group of elements of this EnhancedIterable that satisfy a predicate.

        Iteration ends at, but does not include, the first element for which the predicate evaluates to false.

        predicate - a predicate; should be referentially transparent and not have side-effects
        an EnhancedIterable<A>
      • toArray

        default A[] toArray​(java.lang.Class<A[]> arrayType)
        Writes all the elements of this EnhancedIterable directly into an array of the specified type.
        arrayType - the type of the array
        a new array
      • toCollection

        default <C extends java.util.Collection<A>> C toCollection​(com.jnape.palatable.lambda.functions.Fn0<C> cSupplier)
        Creates an instance of a Collection of type C, and adds to it all elements in this EnhancedIterable.

        Note that instances of C must support Collection.add(E) (which is to say, must not throw on invocation).

        Type Parameters:
        C - the resulting collection type
        cSupplier - a function that instantiates a new Collection of type C
        a new Collection of type C
      • toFinite

        default com.jnape.palatable.lambda.adt.Maybe<? extends FiniteIterable<A>> toFinite()
        Converts this EnhancedIterable to a FiniteIterable if there is enough information to do so without iterating it.

        Note that if this method returns nothing(), it does NOT necessarily mean this EnhancedIterable is infinite.

        a Maybe<FiniteIterable<A>
      • toNonEmpty

        default com.jnape.palatable.lambda.adt.Maybe<? extends NonEmptyIterable<A>> toNonEmpty()
        Converts this EnhancedIterable to a NonEmptyIterable if it contains one or more elements.
        a Maybe<NonEmptyIterable<A>
      • zipWith

        default <B,​C> EnhancedIterable<C> zipWith​(com.jnape.palatable.lambda.functions.Fn2<A,​B,​C> fn,
                                                        java.lang.Iterable<B> other)
        Zips together this EnhancedIterable with another Iterable by applying a zipping function.

        Applies the function to the successive elements of each Iterable until one of them runs out of elements.

        Type Parameters:
        B - the element type of the other Iterable
        C - the element type of the result
        fn - the zipping function. Not null. This function should be referentially transparent and not perform side-effects. It may be called zero or more times for each element.
        other - the other Iterable
        an EnhancedIterable<C>
      • zipWith

        default <B,​C> FiniteIterable<C> zipWith​(com.jnape.palatable.lambda.functions.Fn2<A,​B,​C> fn,
                                                      FiniteIterable<B> other)
        Zips together this EnhancedIterable with a FiniteIterable by applying a zipping function.

        Applies the function to the successive elements of each Iterable until one of them runs out of elements.

        Type Parameters:
        B - the element type of the other Iterable
        C - the element type of the result
        fn - the zipping function. Not null. This function should be referentially transparent and not perform side-effects. It may be called zero or more times for each element.
        other - the other Iterable
        a FiniteIterable<C>
      • zipWith

        default <B,​C> FiniteIterable<C> zipWith​(com.jnape.palatable.lambda.functions.Fn2<A,​B,​C> fn,
                                                      java.util.Collection<B> other)
        Zips together this EnhancedIterable with a Collection by applying a zipping function.

        Applies the function to the successive elements of each Iterable until one of them runs out of elements.

        Type Parameters:
        B - the element type of the other Iterable
        C - the element type of the result
        fn - the zipping function. Not null. This function should be referentially transparent and not perform side-effects. It may be called zero or more times for each element.
        other - the other Iterable
        a FiniteIterable<C>
      • emptyEnhancedIterable

        static <A> ImmutableFiniteIterable<A> emptyEnhancedIterable()
        Creates an empty EnhancedIterable.
        Type Parameters:
        A - the element type
        an ImmutableFiniteIterable<A>
      • copyFrom

        static <A> ImmutableFiniteIterable<A> copyFrom​(FiniteIterable<A> source)
        Creates an ImmutableFiniteIterable by copying elements from a FiniteIterable.

        If source is already an ImmutableFiniteIterable, this method will return it without copying.

        Type Parameters:
        A - the element type
        source - the source to copy from
        an ImmutableFiniteIterable<A>
      • copyFrom

        static <A> ImmutableFiniteIterable<A> copyFrom​(java.util.Collection<A> source)
        Creates an ImmutableFiniteIterable by copying elements from a Collection.
        Type Parameters:
        A - the element type
        source - the source to copy from
        an ImmutableFiniteIterable<A>
      • copyFrom

        static <A> ImmutableFiniteIterable<A> copyFrom​(int maxCount,
                                                       java.lang.Iterable<A> source)
        Creates an ImmutableFiniteIterable by copying elements from an Iterable.

        If source is already an ImmutableIterable, no copying will be performed.

        Type Parameters:
        A - the element type
        maxCount - the maximum number of elements to take from the supplied Iterable. Must be >= 0. May exceed size of the Iterable, in which case, the result will contain as many elements available.
        source - the source to copy from
        an ImmutableFiniteIterable<A>
      • enhance

        static <A> EnhancedIterable<A> enhance​(java.lang.Iterable<A> underlying)
        Wraps an existing Iterable in an EnhancedIterable.

        If underlying is already an EnhancedIterable, returns it directly.

        Type Parameters:
        A - the element type
        underlying - the Iterable to wrap. May be finite or infinite.
        an EnhancedIterable<A>
      • repeat

        static <A> ImmutableNonEmptyIterable<A> repeat​(A element)
        Returns an infinite ImmutableNonEmptyIterable that repeatedly iterates a given element.
        Type Parameters:
        A - the element type
        element - the value to repeat
        an ImmutableNonEmptyIterable<A>
      • of

        static <A> ImmutableNonEmptyFiniteIterable<A> of​(A first,
                                                         A... more)
        Creates an EnhancedIterable containing the given elements.

        Note that this method actually returns an ImmutableNonEmptyFiniteIterable, which is also an EnhancedIterable.

        Type Parameters:
        A - the element type
        first - the first element
        more - the remaining elements
        an ImmutableNonEmptyFiniteIterable<A>