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distinct() - Method in interface software.kes.collectionviews.ImmutableNonEmptySet
Since a ImmutableNonEmptySet already contains only distinct values, this method always returns itself.
distinct() - Method in interface software.kes.collectionviews.ImmutableSet
Since an ImmutableSet already contains only distinct values, this method always returns itself.
distinct() - Method in interface software.kes.collectionviews.NonEmptySet
Since a NonEmptySet already contains only distinct values, this method always returns itself.
distinct() - Method in interface software.kes.collectionviews.Set
Since a Set already contains only distinct values, this method always returns itself.
drop(int) - Method in interface software.kes.collectionviews.ImmutableVector
Returns a new ImmutableVector that drops the first count elements of this ImmutableVector.
drop(int) - Method in interface software.kes.collectionviews.Vector
Returns a new Vector that drops the first count elements of this Vector.
dropRight(int) - Method in interface software.kes.collectionviews.ImmutableVector
Returns a new ImmutableVector that drops all except the last count elements of this ImmutableVector.
dropRight(int) - Method in interface software.kes.collectionviews.Vector
Returns a new Vector that drops all except the last count elements of this Vector.
dropWhile(Fn1<? super A, ? extends Boolean>) - Method in interface software.kes.collectionviews.ImmutableVector
Returns a new ImmutableVector that drops longest prefix of elements of this ImmutableVector that satisfy a predicate.
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